Bad news for Apple users! Millions of iPhones can be shut down, see your phone in the list or not

Apple iPhone users will be blown away by this news because the company will soon make an important decision. You should read this news closely if you are also an iPhone user. Apple will stop updating iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, and iPhone 6S Plus, according to the French website iPhoneSoft, which monitors updates for Apple and iPhone. As a result, the company is discontinuing the production of these models. We will let you know how long the company plans to do this.

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These models of the iPhone will no longer receive security updates from Apple in the future. Your phone can be hacked on the Internet if you do not have these updates from the company.

WhatsApp will no longer allow users with low-security handsets to use its app if it refuses to permit these handsets to use the app.

Apple will discontinue its older models every year

As Apple switches to its new operating system every year, older models that aren’t compatible with it are being discarded. This year, the company will no longer release updates for the iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, and iPhone 6S Plus smartphone models, and iPad mini 4 and iPad Air 2 models, as well as the iPad Pro. The company released these smartphones and these iPads in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Why it is important for you to update

Any smartphone needs to be updated regularly. Your smartphone gets new features as well as security patches from the updates. If you fail to do so, your phone will be vulnerable to hackers.

Recently, the company updated to 15.2 its operating system version. A new version 16 of this OS will be released shortly afterward. No official information has been released by the company.

Apple is planning to hold its WWDC Developers Event in June, followed by the announcement of its new operating system in September 2022. For Android phones, however, most companies only provide updates for three to four years. That is one reason why Apple has continuously updated its phones since 2015.

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