Apple quickly made revenue record in India, Tim Cook said- immense potential in Indian market

On Friday, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, announced that the business had achieved double-digit growth in India and had set a new quarterly revenue record.

Cook stated that the Indian market is receiving the majority of attention. He expressed his satisfaction with the growth statistics and stated that Apple is focusing on all aspects of the ecosystem, from developers to markets and operations.

In over a dozen countries and territories, the Cupertino-based iPhone manufacturer announced record revenues. These comprise the highest-ever revenue for the March quarter in Canada, Spain, Turkey, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as India.

Regarding Apple‘s performance in India, Cook stated that the business is still working on a number of projects, operational tasks, and market entry preparations. “We opened some stores last year, and we see enormous potential there,” he stated. When Apple released its financial results for the second quarter of its fiscal 2024, which ended in March, it reported that its revenue for the quarter was US$90.8 billion, which was 4% less than the same period the previous year. Apple works from October 1st to September 28th during its fiscal year.

Apple offices will not open at present due to Corona, bonus for employees is 75 thousand rupees

Apple’s offices will not be open at this time. The employees will work from home (WFH). As Corona’s new variant Omicron is becoming increasingly popular, the company has taken this decision. The office will be open to employees beginning on February 1, 2022.

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The company has postponed the office opening date for the second time. Until now, it has not been announced when the office will reopen. In addition, the company is offering a bonus of one thousand dollars, or about 75 thousand dollars, to all employees who work from home.

Due to the threat of Corona, the company also closed three stores this week. Additionally, they encourage their customers not to come into their store without masks. CEO Tim Cook also sent a message regarding the company’s order not to open. Employees have been encouraged to take the Corona vaccine and booster dose as well.

Tim Cook announced in his email that employees will receive a bonus of 1000 dollars. According to Cook, employees working from home can use the money to buy goods according to their needs. He also said that he wants his staff to be fit. Cook said that Corona’s situation would determine whether the office opens.

The company’s work plan

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays will be individual workdays for Apple employees. Wednesdays and Fridays are when work will be done from home depending on their team. The company will also allow one month of work from home. Also mailed to employees four weeks before office opening.

Many companies have canceled their plans to open offices due to concerns over the fast-spreading Omicron variant. As a result of not following the company’s vaccination policy, Google told its employees that their salaries could be cut. Employees at JP Morgan are asked to work from home if they are not taking the vaccine.

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Apple’s iPhone 13 production fell 20% in September-October, check report

In September and October, Apple fell 20 percent short of its goals for its iPhone 13 smartphones, it was reported by Nikkei on Wednesday. During the holiday season, the company experiences some of its busiest sales, as many consumers purchase its products as gifts.

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However, as Apple scrambles to cope with the global chip shortage and supply chain disruptions as well as the iPhone 13 lineup and new iPad devices launched in September, there is a major threat looming over the company.

Reuters reported that Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple, said in October that supply chain challenges would have a greater impact on holiday sales than they had during the previous quarter.

For the first time in more than a decade, Apple’s iPhone and iPad assembly was suspended in October due to supply chain issues and power restrictions in China, Nikkei reported.

The reallocation of shared components further squeezed iPad assembly in September and October, resulting in a 50 percent reduction in production volume than planned. Nikkei said production forecasts for older generations of iPhone handsets also declined by around 25 percent.

Apple’s parts suppliers were reportedly told last week that demand for the iPhone 13 lineup had slowed, Bloomberg News reported.

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