Russia-Ukraine War: Fears of a major ‘Cyber Attack’ in Europe, thousands of users offline – report

There is a possibility of cyber attacks in Europe due to Russia’s increasing military presence in Ukraine. There are reports that thousands of Internet users in numerous countries are affected. Analysts and military experts fear that the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine will lead to a wave of cyberattacks that could spread around the world. Additionally, hundreds of turbines in central and eastern Europe were impacted.

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According to AFP, thousands of Internet users throughout Europe were affected. Several sources have mentioned the possibility that it could be a cyber attack. Approximately 9,000 subscribers of Nordnet’s satellite Internet service were unable to access the Internet on Feb 24 due to a “cyber incident” on ViaSat, according to Orange. Viasat is a company that operates satellites in the United States.

According to a BigBlue Satellite Internet Service official, about one-third of the company’s customers in Europe, Germany, France, Hungary, Greece, Italy, and Poland were impacted by ViaSat outages on Friday. A “cyber incident” caused a portion of ViaSat’s network in Europe to go down on Wednesday, according to a statement from the US company. Customers who depend on the KA-SAT satellite were affected.

General Michel Friedling, head of the French Space Command, announced that a cyberattack had occurred. Our satellite network, which covered Europe and Ukraine, was attacked a few days after the launch of the campaign. The attack resulted in the disablement of several million terminals. According to him, this was a Viaset attack.

There were 5800 wind turbines offline in Germany and Central Europe as a result of outages. German company Enercon reports that “at present, only a limited range of wind power converters can be remotely monitored due to major satellite disruptions in Europe.” The disruptions began on 24 February, the company states. As he said, “Wind turbines are not very dangerous.” In addition, they will continue to produce power despite being unresettable remotely.

Several outages were traced to a cyberattack, according to a report from the German Federal Office of Internet Security.

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