Langya Virus China: New virus has knocked in China, so far 35 people have been infected with this Langya virus, know how dangerous it is

The world has been devastated by the Chinese-born corona virus. Now there is more terrifying news. A new virus has been cautioned about by doctors. There have been dozens of cases of this virus in China. Henipavirus or Langya virus is the name of this pathogen. Animals propagate this virus. According to Chinese media, the provinces of Shandong and Henan have already seen 35 cases of infection. This virus is dangerous. Three-fourths of those who are infected could die if their condition worsens.

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But no fatalities have been reported thus far. The majority of cases are minor. Patients are suffering from the flu. Through the use of samples from throat swabs, the virus has been found. According to academics who took part in the study, it’s possible that animals spread this virus. People who are infected experience lethargy, a cough, and nausea. The Langya virus does not currently have a vaccine or a cure. Care, though, is the sole form of treatment right now. Hedgehogs and moles are two examples of small mammals that can spread these viruses.

Langya virus comes from the family of Nipah virus

The deadly Nipah virus, which is related to the Langya virus, is a member of this family. In bats, the Nipah virus is frequently encountered. Nipah can be transmitted through inhaled droplets just like Covid can. Nipah is one of the virus variants predicted by the WHO to be the next pandemic. Nipah is not currently covered by any vaccines.

The first virus was found in 2019

According to a virus study that was published last year, the first human cases of this virus occurred in 2019. This is also the most recent incident of the year. Chinese researchers looking into the virus think that human cases are sporadic. He is still investigating if it is contagious from one individual to another. The Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology published the study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

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