Today marks the launching of Twitter Blue, the company’s subscription service. This information was provided by the corporation via an official tweet.
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Users will have access to premium services including blue tick, 1080p video uploading, and editing through the subscription service. Twitter site users will have to pay $ 8 per month for this service, according to the firm, while iOS users will continue to pay $ 11 per month.
After subscribing to this service, Twitter users will receive a blue check mark for account verification. He will also be able to submit 1080p films and modify tweets.
Additionally, it has been discovered that the check mark will be grey for the official Twitter handle and gold for businesses.
The launch of Twitter Blue took place at the beginning of November, let us inform you. However, it was shut down as a result of the rise in bogus accounts. Following this, there was a discussion about a relaunch on November 29, but for whatever reason, the date was moved.