Uproar over controversial statement of CM Nitish Kumar, people got angry and then apologized

Bihar News: Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, who made contentious remarks about women during a speech on population control, has responded to the criticism. He claimed he was discussing education when speaking with the media on Wednesday, but his remarks were misunderstood.

Everyone, even the Women’s Commission and the general public is denouncing her. Nitish Kumar has been urged by NCW to apologize to the nation’s women right away. His statement has also angered many on social media.

Nitish Kumar apologized

Nitish Kumar added, “I apologize to anyone who may have misunderstood anything I said.” Nitish Kumar claimed that people misunderstood what we stated. We were discussing the advancements brought forth by women’s education. Still, I apologize and take it back if someone finds it incorrect.

BJP MLAs violently objected within the assembly building. BJP women lawmakers prevented Chief Minister Nitish Kumar from entering the Assembly. CM Nitish Kumar expressed regret to the female legislators.

India has overtaken China to become the most populous country

India has now overtaken China in terms of population. According to the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) most recent statistics, India has surpassed China as the world’s most populous nation by 2.9 million.

8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The Case for Rights and Choice is the title of the UNFPA’s “The State of the World Population Report, 2023,” which was published on Wednesday.

The ‘Demographic Indicators’ segment of the report contains the most recent data. India’s population has now surpassed China’s for the first time since the United Nations started compiling and publishing population data in 1950.

Demand for making laws to control population intensifies, Supreme Court issues notice to Central Government

The need for legislation to be passed to regulate the nation’s rapidly growing population is growing. In this regard, the Supreme Court has sent a notice to the Central Government today, i.e. on Friday.

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The Central Government has been asked for a response in this regard, and a bench of Justices KM Joseph and Hrishikesh Roy has tagged the case with the pertinent outstanding petitions. Let us inform you that the Supreme Court has taken cognizance of a petition calling for a law on population control that was submitted to the court.

According to the petition submitted by Dandi Swami Jitendranand, General Secretary of Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti, the population of the nation is growing daily, yet our resources are limited and we cannot support the load of an ever-increasing population. The government must take into account the effects of growing unemployment, poverty, health problems, and a hampered food supply on the nation.

The central government has been urged in the petition to establish the necessary regulations and lay out guidelines for the imposition of a population tax in order to safeguard the fundamental rights of the millions of citizens whose lives have been adversely affected by the nation’s overpopulation issue.

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