Allahabad High Court fixed February 12 as the next date of hearing in the Gyanvapi case

The Allahabad High Court has scheduled the next hearing in the Gyanvapi case for February 12th. The Varanasi court’s order permitting Hindu devotees to say prayers in the Gyanvapi mosque‘s cellar was being challenged in an appeal filed by the Anjuman Intezamia Masjid Committee, which was being heard by the High Court.

Controversy over Hanuman Dhwaj campaign in Karnataka, Bajrang Dal started protest against removal of flag

Karnataka News: The state of Karnataka saw the beginning of the Hanuman Dhwaj campaign by Bajrang Dal and Hindu organizations, who also condemned the removal of the Hanuman Dhwaj in Keragodu village, Mandya district, which created controversy.

In addition to announcing that the campaign would run till February 9th, Bajrang Dal called on people to recite the Hanuman Chalisa in front of every district commissioner’s office in the state.

According to K.R. Sunil, the Bajrang Dal Karnataka South Province Coordinator, the Hanuman flag removal incident in the Mandya district has caused religious anguish to Hindus.

Former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad gave a big statement – “Hinduism is older than Islam and all Muslims were Hindus earlier”

Ghulam Nabi Azad, the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir who resigned from the Congress and started the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP), has made a significant statement. On social media, this Azad video is going viral.

The Doda district of Jammu & Kashmir is where the Ghulam Nabi Azad video went popular on social media-originated. Hinduism is older than Islam, according to Azad, who stated this in a speech to a crowd on August 9 at a government school in the Chiralla hamlet of Doda. Earlier, all Muslims were Hindus. 1500 years ago, Islam was created. In India, nobody is an outsider. We are all citizens of this nation. In 600 hundred years, there were no Muslims in Kashmir and all Kashmiri Pandits lived there. India’s Muslims were formerly Hindus who later converted.

He also attacked those who linked religion with politics. He said, ‘Anyone who supports religion in politics is weak.’ One who believes in himself will not rely on religion for support. The right person will tell me what to do next, how to bring development. The weak will say whether I am a Hindu or a Muslim. Vote for me because of that.

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