Lok Sabha Secretariat suspends seven personnel over Parliament security incident

Parliament Security Breach Updates: On Wednesday, there was an important breach in Parliament House security. While the House was in session, two young people sprang from the audience gallery among the MPs within the Lok Sabha.

Following the security lapse incident, there has been an increase in security in Parliament. MPs are the only ones allowed to enter the Parliament House through Makar Gate and all persons entering the building must remove their shoes before entering. As a result of yesterday’s security lapse, seven Lok Sabha Secretariat employees have been suspended.

Union Minister Kaushal Kishore stated, “The lapse in security is unfortunate,” in response to opposition MPs’ demands for a comment regarding the security lapse incident. Additionally, the Speaker declared that the House Lok Sabha Secretariat, not the government, is in charge of security.” As a result, Amit Shah ji is in no position to comment on this.

There was a big lapse in the security of Parliament House; two people entered the Lok Sabha, Police detained

Parliament Security Breach: The Parliament House, which is reputed to be the safest in the nation, has revealed two safety issues today. In the first instance, two individuals were taken into custody by the police amid protests outside the Parliament, while in the second, the incident happened during a Lok Sabha meeting.

Two people from the audience gallery suddenly jumped into the center of the House during the Lok Sabha’s proceedings. Afterward, they were placed under arrest.

According to Congress MP Karti Chidambaram, “Two young people, aged around twenty, suddenly leaped from the audience gallery into the House, carrying canisters.” These canisters were emitting yellow smoke. One attempted to bolt for the Speaker’s chair. proclaimed a few slogans. It’s possible that the smoke was toxic. This constitutes a grave security lapse, particularly on December 13, the day of the 2001 attack on Parliament.”

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