Telegram added a new feature to the app for video messages, know how to use

Every day, more and more people are using Telegram. Telegram allows users to share photos, videos, and other documents with others. Additionally, Telegram users are now able to upload files in a circle with its new upload feature. One user sends a compressed video message to another immediately by using this feature.

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Telegram compresses your video message and sends it to you when you record your video, according to Gadgets Now. As an additional feature, you can also lock your camera’s recording mode by swiping it. With this technology, you can also receive voice messages.

How to send a video message?

Telegram allows you to send video messages via its app, which can be accessed through any chat channel. To do so, tap on the mic icon after changing the camera mode. Hold the camera icon and start recording your video message. When you are done, release the recording button.

Tap on a message to fast forward or rewind it. The video message can be viewed while you browse other chats. The video will appear in one corner of your screen and continue to play. Drag it around the screen to stop it.

One-to-one and group video messages are available through Telegram’s video message function. Video chats can also be saved as video messages. In addition to this, Telegram channel moderators can also send video messages. Users of Telegram can record for one minute only. Hence, this feature can only be used to record instant messages. You can record and send regular videos at any time.

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