CCI orders inquiry for Google regarding news content
CCI orders inquiry for Google regarding news content

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has mandated a more thorough investigation into allegations of unfair revenue-sharing agreements with regard to news content against internet behemoth Google. According to the CCI order issued on Friday, the Director General (DG) of the regulator’s investigative arm will now submit the investigation report. The CCI claims that because the charges in these two previous lawsuits against Google are generally similar, they will be combined with this one.

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Broadcasters Association complaint

Google was recently ruled against by the News Broadcasters and Digital Association, which was the source of the complaint. The group claimed that in order to have their “weblinks” prioritized on the search engine’s results page, its members were compelled to give Google their journalistic content. The case claims that as a result, Google doesn’t fairly compensate its members when they use their material for free on Google. Due to a complaint made by the Digital News Publishers Association, the CCI authorized an investigation into Google earlier this year.

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Questions surrounding the company constantly

There are inquiries around Google all the time. In addition to India, the corporation is being accused in South Korea, Europe, and the United States. There are accusations made against him in Europe that the business is boosting Google Shopping in search. There is also a claim that your app will receive precedence, eliminating competition from web advertisements. In the US, the business is also accused of favoring certain search results and the Google Pay service. The business has paid billion-dollar fines in several cases.

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