Gujarat government takes action on gaming zone accident
Gujarat government takes action on gaming zone accident

Rajkot TRP Gaming Zone Fire: Twelve children are among the 28 persons who have perished in the Rajkot TRP Gaming Zone fire in Gujarat thus far. Six officials have been suspended by the administration in this instance.

Town planner Gautam Joshi and assistant engineer Jaideep Chaudhary of the Rajkot Municipal Corporation have been suspended. In addition, two employees of the Road and Construction Department, Deputy Engineer M R Suma and Additional Engineer Paras Kothiya, have also been suspended. In addition, two Police Department personnel, Police Inspectors NR Rathod and VR Patel, were placed on suspension concurrently.

Bhupendra Patel, the chief minister of Gujarat, visited the Rajkot Game Zone accident scene himself on Sunday. He has directed that individuals accountable for this severe incident face severe punitive measures. It was only after this that the state administration issued an order to suspend six cops immediately.

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