Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue, the eagerly anticipated film starring Bollywood‘s Khiladi Akshay Kumar, has been released. Since the release of the movie’s teaser and poster, Akshay has continued to make headlines. Such a tale of struggle is told in the movie “Mission Raniganj.”
‘Mission Raniganj’ has received positive reviews. People found the movie to be pretty explosive. Additionally, Akshay Kumar’s acting is also getting favorable reviews. Film critic, Taran Adarsh wrote on Twitter (X): “An edge-of-the-seat rescue thriller that leaves a solid impact… Gripping narrative, nail-biting moments and breathtaking finale, this is an inspirational film that deserves a watch!
Let us inform you that in the movie “Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue,” Akshay Kumar played Jaswant Singh Gill. Jaswant Singh, who in 1989 saved the lives of 64 miners trapped in a flooded mine. For this amazing performance, Jaswant Singh also won numerous honors.