Allahabad High Court fixed February 12 as the next date of hearing in the Gyanvapi case

The Allahabad High Court has scheduled the next hearing in the Gyanvapi case for February 12th. The Varanasi court’s order permitting Hindu devotees to say prayers in the Gyanvapi mosque‘s cellar was being challenged in an appeal filed by the Anjuman Intezamia Masjid Committee, which was being heard by the High Court.

After 30 years, worship took place in Gyanvapi basement; big victory for Hindu side in Varanasi court

Gyanvapi Mosque: After thirty years, worship is being held in the Gyanvapi basement in Varanasi. In the morning on Thursday, February 1, worship arrived at the basement. The District Court of Varanasi granted Hindus permission to pray in the basement located on the premises on Wednesday, January 31, which was a major relief for the Hindu side. Hindus are entitled to pray in the Gyanvapi basement of Vyas ji.

The court ordered the Varanasi District Magistrate to arrange for a priest chosen by the Hindu community and the Shri Kashi Vishwanath Temple Trust to do the puja.

The Varanasi District Court appointed the District Magistrate as the receiver on January 17 and gave him instructions to maintain the basement’s security and avoid making any alterations.

On January 24, the DM was given the basement as the final step in the process of being taken into the district magistrate’s custody by the team led by Additional District Magistrate Prakash Chandra.

Big blow to Muslim side in Gyanvapi case, High Court rejects five petitions

Gyanvapi Case: An important ruling on the ownership dispute of the Gyanvapi Mosque has been rendered by the Allahabad High Court. This is good news for those who support the temple. The trial in the 1991 case has been permitted by the Allahabad High Court. The High Court of Allahabad has dismissed five petitions.

The Sunni Central Waqf Board and Anjuman Intejamia Masjid Committee filed petitions contesting the ownership dispute cases, however, their requests were denied by Judge Justice Rohit Ranjan Aggarwal’s bench.

According to the court, the case has an impact on two significant national populations. The Varanasi District Trial Court has been directed by the High Court to decide on the matter within six months.

Big decision of SC in Mathura Janmabhoomi case, there will be no ban on survey of Idgah Mosque

Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Dispute: The Supreme Court issued an important decision in the Mathura Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi dispute case. The Allahabad High Court’s ruling has not been stayed by the court.

Let us inform you that the survey of the Idgah Mosque next to the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi shrine was permitted by the Allahabad High Court yesterday, December 14. A Supreme Court petition was submitted in opposition to the ruling of the High Court. The court’s ruling has stunned the Muslim community.

Vishnu Shankar Jain, a lawyer for the Hindu side, states: “The Supreme Court declined to halt the proceedings, and about the challenge to the transfer order, the Supreme Court has scheduled the case for January 9…the High Court There will be no stay by the Supreme Court, and the order will remain in effect while the High Court handles the case.”

According to Swami Jitendranand Saraswati, General Secretary of All India Sant Samiti, the truth about Shri Krishna’s birthplace will be revealed in the same way that the truth about Gyanvapi has. In the struggle for the liberation of Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi, this decision is momentous. The court commission’s verdict has been warmly received by the saints.

Gyanvapi case: ASI asked for 3 more weeks time to submit Gyanvapi survey report

ASI has filed a request to extend the deadline by three weeks for submitting the survey results from the Gyanvapi location. The District Judge’s court will host the hearing following lunch.

Let us inform you that although ASI was supposed to turn in the survey report on November 17th, they submitted an application requesting an extension of 15 days.

He was granted an extension of ten days by District Judge Dr. Ajay Krishna Vishwesh, who also directed him to submit the report by November 28. According to ASI, the report on the survey that was carried out in Gyanvapi is still pending. Including the data from the survey’s cutting-edge Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment is taking some time.

The mosque side objected to this and said that sufficient time has already been given to ASI to submit the report, hence it is not right to give more time.

In the Gyanvapi case, the Supreme Court stayed the survey of ASI till July 26

On Monday, the process of conducting a scientific inspection of the remaining locations—aside from the sealed warehouse situated on Varanasi’s Gyanvapi premises—began. While the Muslim side abstained, the Hindu parties to the case, including the ASI team, arrived at the location. The Supreme Court temporarily stopped the digging in response to a plea from the Muslim side.

The ASI survey in the Gyanvapi case has been put on hold by the Supreme Court until July 26. At the request of the Muslim side, the Supreme Court issued a stay of this. The Muslim side had petitioned the Supreme Court to stop this survey, and as a result, the court ordered that the survey activities cease until 5 PM on July 26.

According to the Supreme Court, the Muslim side may appeal the case to the High Court. A high alert has been issued by the administration for the city.

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