Bharat Biotech's Nasal Vaccine Approved
Bharat Biotech's Nasal Vaccine Approved

Relief news can be found amidst the increasing cases of Corona and Omicron variants in India, namely the approval of Bharat Biotech’s Nasal Vaccine by the Expert Committee of Drug Control General of India (DCGI). The indigenous nasal vaccine can be used as a booster dose. The DCGI Expert Committee approved the use of Bharat Biotech’s Nasal Vaccine on Tuesday for emergency use.

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According to media reports, the expert committee of DCGI has approved Bharat Biotech‘s nasal vaccine as a booster dose. On Tuesday, there was also an important meeting in this regard. It was considered to approve the nasal vaccine (vaccine given through the nose) of Bharat Biotech Company as a booster dose.

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It was in fact Bharat Biotech that sought approval from the government for its use. If people who have already had two doses receive a booster dose, then the nasal vaccine by Bharat Biotech might be a good option. As a result, Bharat Biotech will now conduct a phase III study on its new anti-coronavirus vaccine and test a booster dose.

More than 58,097 new Coronavirus cases have been reported in India during the past 24 hours. There has been an increase in Corona infections in Delhi, Maharashtra, Bengal, UP, Punjab, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Maharashtra has the highest contribution to total Corona cases across the country. Maharashtra reported more than 18 and a half thousand corona cases on Monday, while 20 people died.

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