Bollywood singer-composer Bappi Lahiri died on Tuesday night in a hospital in Mumbai. Bappi Da, as he was affectionately called, was 69 years old. Criti Care Hospital in Juhu is where the patient was admitted. Bappi Da has been ill for a month, according to Deepak Namjoshi of Criti Care Hospital. He had a problem with his lungs.
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Singer Bappi Lahiri passed away at 69
Following 18 days in the ICU, when all the parameters returned to normal, he was discharged on Monday. Tuesday, his health declined again. After being taken to the hospital, he passed away shortly after 11 p.m. Bappi Da had many health problems, according to the doctor. On Tuesday night, he died from OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).
Last year, he also contracted Corona. He was then admitted to Breach Candy Hospital in Juhu. In a few days, he recovered from Corona.
Many of Bollywood‘s hit songs were composed by Bappi Lahiri. The disco beat and pop music were developed by him in India. ‘Tamma-Tamma’, ‘Yaar Bina Chain Kahan Re’, and ‘I am a disco dancer’ are some of his best-known songs. The singer-composer was known for wearing thick gold chains as well as glasses in several films of the 1970s and ’80s that were big hits. The films include ‘Chalte-Chalte’, ‘Disco Dancer’, and ‘Sharaabi’. In 2020, he will sing ‘Bhankas’ for the film ‘Baaghi 3’.
Digital Entrepreneur Kishanu Karmakar condoled his passing. According to Karmakar, forever will be remembered for his charm, disco music, and goodness.
Among Bappi Lahiri’s many accomplishments, he was born in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal on 27 November 1952. His last appearance on screen was on the reality show Bigg Boss 15, where he came to promote his grandson Swastik’s new song, Bachha Party.
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