Open AI latest tool Shap-E
Open AI latest tool Shap-E

After releasing the innovative ChatGPT and an updated version with improved features, the OpenAI now appears to be preparing to unveil its most recent invention.

Given that GPT-4 is well recognized for producing responses from requests in natural language as quickly and effectively as possible, OpenAI appears to have made a significant advancement and now has unveiled its text-to-3D model. The Shap-E model has the ability to transform text suggestions into three-dimensional objects.

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Shap-E tool creates 3D models from images or texts
Shap-E tool creates 3D models from images or texts

In comparison to a tool comparable to Point E that OpenAI presented in 2022, it has reportedly been claimed that the most recent generative AI tool produces replies that are significantly more accurate. After the success of its text-to-image generating programme Dall-E, this is considered yet another innovation from OpenAI.

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