Delhi Corona News
Delhi Corona News

Delhi Corona Update: New cases of Corona are reported almost every day in the capital of the country, Delhi. In Delhi, more than 20 thousand cases are reported daily. To control the Corona infection, night curfews and weekend lockdowns were imposed in Delhi. On Monday, a decision was made to further tighten Delhi’s restrictions at the DDMA meeting. The decision has been made to close all private offices in Delhi.

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This order was given by the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA). According to this order, only those who are exempt will be able to open private offices. All other private office employees in Delhi will work from home (WFH). The current private offices had 50% capacity, 50% of employees were working from home.

As of now, all offices will remain closed, except for exempted private offices, and all employees will work from home. Delhi’s restaurants and bars were also closed at the same time. Restaurants will be permitted to deliver and take away food items to homes only.

On Monday, 19166 new Corona cases were reported in Delhi. There were 14076 discharges, and 17 patients died from Corona. The number of Corona infections in Delhi is 15,68,896. There have been 14,77,913 cures, while 25177 Corona patients have died. Corona deaths in Delhi have dropped to 1.60 percent.

A 25 percent increase in Corona infection rates was reported on Monday. Each of the four people tested for Corona infection in Delhi had a confirmed infection on their investigation report. On Monday, 17 patients with Corona died. Due to this, there are now approximately 66 thousand active patients.

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