Government-issued safety alert regarding 'Meftal' painkiller
Government-issued safety alert regarding 'Meftal' painkiller

Depending on over-the-counter pain relievers for headaches, body aches, or any other type of pain without first visiting a doctor might be risky. The painkiller medication “Meftal” has now triggered a safety alert from the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) for medical professionals and the general public.

It has been suggested that consuming too much Meftal can exacerbate severe allergies like Dress Syndrome. The body as a whole may be affected, which will make the issues worse.

“Health care professionals and patient-consumers are advised to closely monitor the possibility of the above-mentioned adverse reactions (ADRs) associated with the use of the suspected drug,” reads the alert, which was released on November 30.

Healthcare professionals, patients, and consumers have been warned by IPC to cease using Meftal medication right away if any negative side effects are noticed.

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