As per a report from the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India Wednesday had an increase of 17% in daily Covid-19 cases. Approximately 2,927 new cases were reported in India on a daily basis. There were 2,483 new Covid cases in India yesterday.
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There have also been 32 deaths reported in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number to 5,23,654 deaths related to Covid.
As a result of the new infections, the country now has 43,065,496 cases, including 16,279 active cases. Within the last 24 hours, 643 new active cases have been reported. Active cases make up 0.04% of all cases.
Health Ministry officials also said that after 2,252 people got cured in the last 24 hours, the total number of cured people is 4,25,25,563. The Covid-19 recovery rate in India currently stands at 98.75%.
Furthermore, the government reports that 83.59 crore Covid-19 tests have been administered so far, out of which 5.05 lakh tests were administered in the last 24 hours. In these numbers, the country experienced a daily positivity rate of 0.58%, while the weekly positivity rate was 0.59%.
So far, 188.19 crore vaccine doses have been administered under the nationwide Covid vaccination campaign. During the past 24 hours, 21,97,082 people were given Corona vaccine.
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