Several sanctions were imposed on Russia for invading Ukraine, after which Russian President Vladimir Putin took a tough stance and announced that anyone wanting to buy gas from Russia would have to pay in rubles. Four European gas buyers have already paid for their gas supply in rubles, Bloomberg reports. A person with close ties to Gazprom PJSC provided this information.
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It was reported that four European gas buyers had already paid in rubles for the supply, as requested by President Vladimir Putin.
Additionally, the gas supply was suspended in Poland and Bulgaria for not meeting the requirements of Russia. Similarly, if the buyers of other gas do not pay in rubles, their supply will also be cut off. The person associated with PJSC provided this information under the condition of anonymity.
In order to keep gas supplies flowing, ten European companies have already opened accounts with Gazprom Bank, necessary to fulfill Russian payment demands. A proposal by Gazprom for ruble payments was rejected, resulting in the suspension of supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. A representative of the company said this was not a violation of EU sanctions. The Russian gas pipeline network reaches 23 European countries.
During the EU’s sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, Moscow announced it would begin paying for shipments in rubles on April 1.
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